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Developing an Effective Suicide Prevention Policy

This workshop is designed to assist local educational agencies in developing policies for pupil suicide prevention. Specifically, trainees will learn about Assembly Bills 2246, 1767, 1808, and Senate Bill 972 requirements. Based on the latest research, participants will be able to create a handbook or toolkit that complies with the above policies and will improve their knowledge and skills in suicide prevention. Workshop Objectives: • Participants will be able to describe the suicide problem and its context. • Participants will understand prevention strategies that comply with AB 2246/1767/1808 and SB972. • Participants will be able to select or develop interventions that will decrease risk and/or increase protective factors. • Participants will understand postvention activities such as re-entry meetings, safety plans, reducing contagion, and referral services. • Participants will be able to take further action, by working with others to develop your handbook/toolkit. APPROVED Flyer - Developing an Effective Suicide Prevention Policy 10-20-2023
Date / Time / Location
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
KCSOS-Larry E. Reider Education Center - 2nd floor, Rm. 202
Contact Info
Who Will Benefit
School Administrators, School, Counselors, School Social, Workers, School Psychologist, Mental Health Partners, Behavioral Support Staff, Clinicians, Teachers, and Community Members involved in the collaborative safe school planning process
Live binder access
Jeffrey Coggan
Jeffrey Coggan
(661) 852-5660