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Drug Impairment Training For Education Professionals

Drug Impairment Training for Education Professionals (DITEP) is a specialized training program designed to equip school staff with essential knowledge and skills to identify and address drug impairment issues among students. The primary objective of DITEP is to enhance the ability of education professionals to recognize signs of drug use, intoxication, and impairment in students, thus enabling them to respond appropriately and effectively. During the DITEP training, school staff will receive comprehensive instruction on various aspects related to drug impairment, including:
  1. Recognizing signs and symptoms: Participants will learn to identify physical, behavioral, and psychological signs that may indicate a student is under the influence.
  2. Understanding different substances: The training covers common drugs and substances that students may encounter, including their effects on behavior, cognition, and health.
  3. Effective communication: DITEP emphasizes the importance of open and non-judgmental communication with students.
  4. Intervention strategies: Education professionals will be taught appropriate intervention techniques.
  5. Legal and ethical considerations: The training highlights the legal and ethical frameworks surrounding drug-related issues in educational settings.
  6. Prevention and support: DITEP provides strategies to create a safe and supportive school environment to reduce drug-related incidents.
Facilitator:  Matt Iturriria, Kern County District Attorney Office
Date / Time / Location
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
KCSOS - Larry E. Reider Center - Rm. 202
Contact Info
Who Will Benefit
School Administrators, Teachers, School Psychologists, School Counselors, Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisors, Safety Officers, School Social Workers, Support Staff, and Front Office Staff
Jose Espinoza
Jose Espinoza