Designed exclusively for educators seeking a deep understanding of the foundational principles and organizational structure of the NGSS. This 2-day immersive session aims to empower educators with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the NGSS framework effectively and implement a seamless integration of the three-dimensional learning approach into their science curricula. Participants will explore the NGSS architecture, including the Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas, gaining insights into how these components work synergistically to promote student engagement and a holistic understanding of scientific concepts. Through hands-on activities, collaborative discussions, and practical examples, educators will leave equipped to align their teaching practices with NGSS, ultimately preparing students for a future shaped by scientific inquiry and discovery. |
Date / Time / Location 9/26/24, 10/17/24 & 1/13/25, 1/23/25 9AM - 3PM Larry E. Reider Education Center |
Cost $300 |
Contact Info 661-636-4220 |
Who Will Benefit District Administrators, Site Administrators, Other Instructional Leaders, Teachers (general education and special education) |
Includes Materials |
Register & |
Holli Gonzalez 661-636-4542 |